Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Regret to Inform You

Well I have survived to exam 5 physically but I regret to have to say my percentage required to move on to next semester wasn't quite good enough. Now my grade is not an F so I don't fail the class, but it is not the required grade either so I dropped from the program to avoid the grade on my transcript. As much as my human side wants place blame on everything but me, I take the full responsibility of error. I could have gone on into the final but chances of coming out on top didn't seem to be in my favor. I am allowed to apply back to the program and start there again next August. I will be taking that opportunity and doing it over, only better, harder, and stronger. I am taking this as God's way of guiding my pathway. As much as I hate to have to do this its in HIS plan for my life. I have cried my tears and fallen apart, now its time to pick myself back up and keep on keeping on. I thank the Lord for this amazing opportunity, eye opening semester, amazing friends I have made, lessons I have learned, and to be able to restart.
I plan on still going to my mission trip and will keep you updated on my facebook for that but as for this blog it will be inactive for a while. Thank you for your interest in reading and your prayers. I really appreciate you.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Amazing Blessings

Okay well the end of the semester is finally starting to get closer. Being on the drop of counting the weeks down until the first semester is completed and I can't believe that it is coming already. I have one week left of clinical rotations now and its a bittersweet feeling. I will not miss the care plans that's for sure but I like the experiences that I am getting in while at the hospital. This past week I was in recovery from surgery and this semester it has been the best experience by far! I loved the atmosphere and environment and dealing with the patients. I had two nurses nationally certified in recovery room and was just amazed with them. I honestly felt like that is somewhere that I could end up in after graduating and getting some experience under my belt because a minimum of a year ICU experience is required but it's definitely somewhere that I want to look more in to for my career. Class it's self had gotten into the business that I always pictured nursing school and be and man it is A LOT of stuff. I spend my time doing homework all the time every day that I have a free minute, its becoming a part of me and as natural as breathing lol it was stated recently that all I ever do is homework anymore and I'm grouchy when I'm doing it, which isn't meant to be how I come off I just get so focused because I know in my head how much I have to do and how little time I have to do it, its crazy!!
Well that brings my information about school to an end for this blog but now I have to update on the mission trip status cause it just excites me so much and I cannot stop thinking or talking about it! I talked to a friend wanting to attend mission trips also last night and he told me about another organization that does week long mission trips to Ecuador and Honduras. I looked at their website today and it is just as intriguing as the other opportunities set before me. I also have family who discuss with others my calling for medical missions and have had them ask about me. I can't believe all the doors that God opening for me! It it like an endless choices almost now with all the trips I have heard about. It is amazing how many He has set before me, now it is time to figure out exactly which ones He wants me to go one. I must give a hint thought that so far the most recent one, which unfortunately is based out of a different state, has pulled the most on my heart; BUT that doesn't quite mean yet that that will be the one I get involved with this go around. I am leaving everything up to what God has in store for me and I just can't help but be soooooooo excited.
Well I could go on and one about these two subjects but I will stop. I need to get back to my homework so that I can pass the class in order to do this mission field work :) Hope you all enjoy this and have a blessed week!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Halfway Through Update :)

Well I have officially finished finished 9 weeks of school and have made it this far! Its definitely a battle too. Work, school, and homework are very tough at times. That doesn't even include the things that life can throw at me at times. I have had six weeks of clinical times and that also is very entertaining at times. I have learned so much but mostly about what I don't want to do as a nurse. I don't do early and I hate being up early but its very well worth it at the end of the day. Luckily I only have four left now.
This is as hard as I thought it would be but not in the same areas as I thought. Its tiring and time consuming but I'm surviving and finally felt this week that I was going to make it through. I send prayers up to God every day to help me through and I know He's the reason I feel refreshed about it.
On another note related, I had mentioned in my first post that I feel the call to use the knowledge the Lord is letting me learn to help bring people to Him through medical missions in third world countries less fortunate than us. Well my clinical instructor, amazingly enough, and her husband make medical mission trips to Haiti often and were going on one in December. I expressed my heart about this with her and she said she would love to share that experience with be and said she would get me more information. Well unfortunate events happened and I was town between going and not going. I wasn't sure if the events were my sign from God that this isn't my trip or weather it was the devil trying to keep me from going. I was very torn and put a prayer request out on fb. Well I kinda feel my prayer was answered by someone reaching out to me about another trip I have heard about to Honduras with a group out of Chickasha. At that moment I felt I had my answer.
Recently my instructor said their trip has been postponed to Spring Break. I'm a little torn again but I know God will tell me where He wants me but I have to say Honduras is the current answer.
I have had many events recently related with a mission trip. Mom and dad were at a dr's appt recently discussing with nurse about me being in nursing school and being able to help them and also telling her about my mission trip, she proceeded to share with them how God has worked in her life and families life recently. Her work was done and she left. She returned later with a $20 bill in hand giving it to them and said its for my trip. Its amazing how God works even in the lives of His followers and how He reveals Himself to us. I am very deeply touched by this woman's donation without even knowing me but just to help further the kingdom of God. Its awesome!!
Well I think I rambled on more about my missions than I did school but its ok, its where my heart is.
I have 7 weeks of school left with a busy, tough week ahead of me so I ask for your prayers when I cross your mind. Thank you in advance, your prayers now will eventually lead another soul in the kingdom of heaven.
I really love this song and its so true:

What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there.
I attached this picture because it reminds me every day I'll make it

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How I Made It Here

Okay so I have never been a blogger before because I really haven’t had any time for it, but with nursing school I am super duper excited and want to share the ups and downs of the next two years of my journey with those who care to know. I chose blogging because I honestly don’t know how much time I will have outside work and school and studying and clinicals to spend with anyone other than me, my computer, and my books so I won’t have time to sit down and just chat with everyone who wants to know anything about school so maybe through here those who care to know can keep up and when I see you I will be more than willing to talk about it if you have questions though :)
I will kind of catch you up with an up-to-date of my journey so far. In 2007 I graduated high school and wasn’t ready to spend 4+ years in college with no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I had prayed and prayed and felt maybe nursing but I didn’t have a strong enough feeling to dive in head first into a nursing program or college trying to get there. I guess I wanted a no doubt feeling from God. I did feel a strong feeling to go to massage school though and found the place of my dreams. Central State Massage Academy, with a 20 week program I finished 2 days after turning 19 and was a little scared being so young starting a new career, but I knew in the back of my mind that one day when I grew up that God would show me what He wanted me to do for the rest of my life because let’s face it, how many people go to college and finish in the usual time for their degree choice. Many people go for years before they have decided what they want to major in, others major in something and get close to graduation and change their mind, while others might know what they want to do to start with but they veer off the path and party, stay out too late, don’t form good study habits, and all kinds of things. At 18 for me, none of that sounded like the path that I wanted to take, especially when I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I honestly believe that most 18 year olds don’t know what they want to do for the rest of their lives and I think that it’s dumb to make them decide. For those 18 year olds who do know I give you props for knowing that early in life and going for that goal, but that wasn’t me. In May 2009 at age 20 I decided that while I was young and unmarried with no kids that I needed to go ahead and go to college to get a degree as at least a back up so I went on a search of what to go for. I went through so many college sites looking for the answer and everything kept leading to nursing and I was just like I don’t think I would make a good nurse God, but He kept leading me back there. So in this process I heard of medical mission trips, at that point I knew exactly why God was telling me to be a nurse. I’m not the most outgoing person but I knew earlier in life that mission trips are what I was called to do, not long term live across the ocean kind but the ones about a week or so. When I finally listened completely to the whole picture He was saying to me, “Duh Launi! I tried telling you all this before but you had to have the whole picture before you got it!” I am a whole picture kind of learner. So my journey began to become a nurse in order to do these medical missions.
I started out at USAO for a semester and transferred to OCCC where I would finish in May 2012 with an Associates in Diversified Studies (General Education) In September of 2011 I finally had enough points to apply at the nursing program there at OCCC, I got all my stuff turned in and 6 weeks later got a letter telling me that I was not accepted into the program, I was extremely upset by this but it only made me work harder. I figured out in October that I was one semester away from being about to graduate with a general education diploma, this in all programs will get me an entrance point, so I decided to do that so that I could rack up more points increasing my chances to get in. In March of 2012 I applied to OSU-OKC, OCCC, and Redlands Nursing Programs. Redlands was the only one that I got an acceptance letter from so Redlands Community College it is! Orientation in Friday the 17 and I start classes Monday August 20, 2012! I can’t wait to start this remarkable journey!!!